beat the logbook.

The ONLY workout journal that lets you track more training metrics so you can get better training results.

Track Workouts.

Plenty of space to track the training variables that matter.

Workout Name, Phase, Date,
Exercise Name, Sets, Reps, Weight, Tempo, Rest, Reps In Reserve (RIR), Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE),
Exercise Notes, Warm-ups, and More…

Measure Progress.

Two pages and 12 columns to record body circumference measurements.

Additional Space to track body weight, body fat, and more if needed.

Set Goals.

Bring your goals to life with 6 pages to set monthly goals.

Plan your goals, strategy, action steps, and space for additional notes.

get set for 6 months of tracking your workouts

Plan and record 130 workouts. That’s 6 months of training if you work out an average of 5x per week.

Enough space for 11 exercises spread out across 6 sets. Take notes galore!

You can make remarks on EACH exercise. Write down machine & pin settings, or handles used at the gym.

Write reminders for next week to plan to increase weight, reps, or sets.

Lots of options to customize your workout journal with supersets, drop sets, or straight sets.

Stay on Track with your measurements and goals.